Crying At The Discothek

»TRAUERTÄNZE: Crying At The Discothek«
(object klein a, Dresden 2022)
Grieve?! Why? And how and where? How can we also laugh, move, to open up to others? How can we grieve in groups? Grief is increasingly being addressed in pop culture and art spaces, yet when it hits us, we are often alone with it. Our culture pushes grief into hiding, into silence and into the responsibility of the individual. Could a shared grieving space with room for the many facets of grief enable us to regain access to our vital life force? What could these spaces look like? Taking place in a night club during the daytime with our bodies, voices and in togetherness ‘TrauerTaenze’ is an exploration of the transformative potentials of dance and movement in collective grieving and grief ritual practices.
In collaboration with Aurélie Strohmeier & Anno Kirchner and object klein a.
POP UP is a project by TanzNetzDresden. Funded by the Office for Culture and Monument Protection and the Cultural Foundation of the Free State of Saxony. The measure is co-financed by tax funds on the basis of the budget passed by the Saxon State Parliament.